Here is an image of our brainstorm...

We brainstormed about all of the different aspects of what needed to be inluded in our thriller. We listed some sub-genres such as action, mystery and crime. We thought that we would like to use the sub genre of mystery as it is typical of a thriller. We included some different locations we could possibly use and I believe we are going to use the woods and also an abandoned type builing as we have access to these areas for filming and they will fit well with our ideas on plot. The most common ideas for the plot that we came up with were chase, torture and death. For our plot we would like to have a chase leading to being held hostage. We also thought as a typical convention of thriller it would be best to have female victims and a male villain. To make the sequence more dark and mysterious we would like to have little lighting and we may change the contrast during editing to make the film look strange. The costumes of the victims should just be everyday clothing and for the villain mainly black to represent that he is bad. For props we may need to include a weapon or an audio tape as these are very common in mysterious thrillers.
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