Who would be the audience for your media product? The audience for my media product would preferably be 16-19 year old of a working/middle class. The main reason for this would be the fact that the characters in the thriller are 17 years old making it easier for our audience age range to relate to the characters. This website National Statistics Online, it presents me with a graph showing what age range visits the cinema most. It says that the age range which visit the cinema over once a month the most is 15-24 therefore this audience is more likely to watch our film if it were to be diostributed to the cinemas in Britain. I would not think that our film would be appropriate for people under the age of 15-16 because some of the ideas may be disturbing for them such as the kidnap/abduction and the idea of a stalker.

What did you do to attract/address your audience?
There are many aspects of our opening sequence that are deigned to attract the attention of the target audience. Such as the mise en scene, there are lots of quick cuts of things such as: close-ups, running from the front and behind, feet/hands close-up and throughout all of this the situation is becoming obvious to the audience. The music also attracts the audience as well as interacts by setting the tone of the of the film. It begins quiet and calming before building up with more sounds and volume causing a bigger atmosphere. This draws the audiences attention because it insinuates that something is about to happen and they want to be enlightened and find out whats happened, how its happened and why.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
During the construction of our opening sequence i learnt how to fluently use 'Adobe Premiere Pro CS4' which is an editing programme. The skills I picked up from this consist of importing and exporting film, changing thew order and size of film, adding in effects such as cross dissolves and sound effects, I also learnt to import music and how to create titles using this programme. I have also learnt how to embed videos which enables me to present them in my blog. Finally i learnt how to use all of the camera equipment such as the tripod, the camera itself and the way to import the film on to the computer. After learning all these skills I feel that in my second year of A level Media I am well prepared if I needed to use this programme again.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Since we did our preliminary task i have learnt a lot of useful things. Our preliminary task felt very rushed and this meant that it wasn't finished to the best of our ability. Also we had some problems with members of the group. One person who just wasn't committed and this caused problems for everybody else. We also did not use the different types of shots well whilst filming which would have lowered our grade if it had been the final thriller piece. Luckily as it was just the prelim task this enabled us to sort out all of these problems for our actual thriller. We were much more organised with our timing and scheduled our filming and editing. Even though we didn't totally stick to our plan it still worked well and we were not rushed. Secondly, I made sure that the people i worked with were dedicated and would not leave all the work to one person or never turn up. This was a huge help as we did some really good teamwork. Finally, we used a number of camera tecniques to get good shots such as, close-ups, panning and two shots.
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